Date:    Thursday, June 25, 2020     

Time:  7:00 pm  (final on-line checks of eligibility will take place at 6:30 pm) 

Location:   Virtual Meeting – Zoom Conferencing 


The VIRTUAL AGM will be open to ELIGIBLE MEMBERS ONLY as outlined in the By-Laws (this includes parents of registered players, officially rostered team staff and approved committee members):

  • All must be members currently in good standing
  • Only parents/guardians who formally submitted their names (maximum of two per family) during the 2019/20 player registration period will be eligible to attend and vote at the meeting.


Virtual AGM Instructions

  • Further details and a link to enter the AGM will be forwarded to eligible members on June 19, 2020.
  • A pre-registration process for the meeting will be initiated and a Credentials Committee will review all individuals who wish to attend the meeting.
  • Again, only those members who meet the eligibility criteria will be permitted to attend the meeting.
  • In order to be prepared to attend the meeting using the Zoom Conferencing platform, please make sure that you are familiar with the program and that your computer system is ready.  To do this, please use this test link: .  There will be very limited opportunity to provide technical assistance on the day of the meeting.


 As per our BMHA By-Laws, the following Articles pertain to membership for this Annual General Meeting:

 3.2 Classes of Membership

There will be three (3) classes of voting Membership in the Association, being:

(a) regular Members;
(b) contributing Members; and
(c) honourary life Members.


3.3 Regular Membership

A Person may be a regular Member if he or she:

(a) is 19 years of age or older; and
(b) is either: (i) a Player; or (ii) the Parent or Guardian of a Player for whom the annual registration fee has been paid, provided that, in all cases:
(c) Membership shall be limited to two Parents or Guardians per child, it being understood that a Member having more than one child registered in the Association shall have no greater rights as a Member than a Member having only one child registered in the Association;


3.4 Contributing Membership

A Person may be a contributing Member of the Association if he or she:

(a) is 19 years of age or older and is an Association Committee Member or rostered Association team official; or
(b) has demonstrated, by his or her active volunteer service to the Association in the preceding 12 months, a commitment to advancing the purposes and supporting the activities of the Association as approved by the Executive.

If there is any dispute as to whether a Person is a Contributing Member, the issue will be referred to the Executive for consideration and a decision.  This will be done once pre-registration has been completed.


The order of business at the Annual General Meeting will be:

  1. a) Call to Order and introductions  
  2. b) Adoption of the agenda  
  3. c) Approval of the minutes of the previous General Meeting  
  4. d) Director Reports  
  5. e) Presentation of the financial statements
  6. f) Committee Reports 
  7. g) Election of Officers 
  8. h) New Business
  9. i) Adjournment
  • All BMHA Executive Committee, Support Staff and Financial Reports will be posted on the BMHA website in the near future for review by the full membership.
  • Please refer to the BMHA website to review the current BMHA Constitution and By-Laws.
  • ** IMPORTANT NOTE ** – As has been done in recent years, there will NO LONGER be a $50.00 registration credit to members who attend the Annual General Meeting.




Nominations are being accepted for the following BMHA Executive Committee positions:

  1. President (one position)
  2. 1st Vice President (one position) – traditionally responsible for Rep hockey
  3. 2nd  Vice President (one position)  – traditionally responsible for Junior Bulldogs/Wildcats to U9 (Major Novice/Hockey 4) hockey
  4. Head Coach (one position)
  5. Director at Large (three positions)  – one position traditionally responsible for Risk Management, one position traditionally responsible for Female Hockey, and one position traditionally responsible for U15 (Bantam) to U21 (Juvenile) “C” hockey


The BMHA Nominating Committee is accepting names of those persons who may be interested in putting their name forward for election to the 2020/21 BMHA Executive Committee in accordance with our BMHA By-Laws:

8.5 Nominations of Directors

A Member in good standing may be nominated for election as a Director in accordance with the following rules and such additional policies as may be established by the Executive:

(a) A nomination must be in writing and signed by the Member being nominated and at least two (2) other Members in good standing;

(b) All nominations must be submitted to the Association prior to the call to order for the General Meeting. No nominations from the floor will be permitted.


If you are interested in putting your name forward for election to any of the above-noted BMHA Executive Committee positions, please forward your intention to the BMHA Nominating Committee at  as soon as possible and a nomination form will be forwarded to you.  Thank you!