Providing a safe environment for BMHA players is a priority, from dealing with physical injuries to ensuring our dressing rooms, stands and events are safe havens.

Interested in Becoming a Safety Person?

If you are interested in stepping up and becoming a Safety Person for your child’s team, please contact your Division Manager or the Head Coach of the team.

Please refer to Team Official Qualifications found on the Team Official Certifications page and register for any required clinics.

Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT)

The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) is a series of online educational modules and resources with the goal of standardizing concussion recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and management. Good concussion management may decrease the risk of brain damage and potentially reduce long-term health issues. CATT provides up-to-date concussion education for parents and coaches. It includes video lessons and resources to effectively prevent, recognize and manage a player's recovery.


Dressing Room Two-Deep Policy

As per BC Hockey’s policy, BMHA requires the “Two-Deep Method” at all time – so that, when any and all players under the age of 19 are in the team dressing room, before, during and after a game or practice, a minimum of two adults (either team officials or designated parents) shall be present in the dressing room or immediately outside the dressing room with the door ajar. Dressing rooms must be supervised at all times by team officials or designated parents.

Risk Management Forms & Documents

The PCAHA site contains forms relating to risk management including:  BC Hockey Special Event Sanction Request Form (Off ice events), HC Injury Report Form, HC Player Medical Information Sheet, Team Injury Log Sheet, Team Emergency Action Plan, Team Safety Person List Form, and the Return to Play Form.

Other Resources